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12 Effects and Meaning of Blinking of Right Eye In Astrology in Men and Women.

Writer's picture: Jupiter KartJupiter Kart
blinking of right eye

Every aspect of the human body is believed to be connected to the cosmic energies and can provide insights into one's life and future. One such intriguing phenomenon is the blinking of right eye, which holds significance in various cultures. Here, we will delve into the meaning behind the blinking of the right eye and its interpretations.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction

  2. The Significance of Right Eye in Vedic Astrology

  3. Blinking of Right Eye: Superstitions and Beliefs

  4. Interpretations of Right Eye Blinking in Vedic Astrology

  • Right Eye Blinking in Men

  • Right Eye Blinking in Women

  1. Interpretations of Right Eye Blinking in Chinese Astrology

  2. Interpretations of Right Eye Blinking in various culture across the world

  3. Remedies for Right Eye Blinking

  • General Remedies

  • Remedies for Men

  • Remedies for Women

  1. Conclusion

  2. FAQs


Vedic astrology is an ancient Indian system that utilizes planetary positions and their influence on human lives. It is believed that the movement of celestial bodies affects different parts of the body, including the eyes. According to Vedic astrology, the right eye is associated with the Sun and represents the masculine energy.

The Significance of Right Eye in Vedic Astrology

The right eye is considered the "power eye" in Vedic astrology. It is believed to provide insights into a person's vitality, self-expression, and connection with the external world. The blinking of the right eye is seen as a form of communication from the universe, conveying messages about a person's destiny and future events.

Blinking of Right Eye: Superstitions and Beliefs

Throughout history, various cultures have developed superstitions and beliefs around the blinking of the right eye. Some common interpretations include:

  • Blinking of the Right Eye is Good Luck: In certain cultures, the blinking of the right eye is considered a positive sign. It is believed to bring good luck, indicating that auspicious events or opportunities are on the horizon.

  • Blinking of the Right Eye is a Warning: On the other hand, some believe that the blinking of the right eye is a warning sign. It suggests that caution should be exercised in the upcoming situations or decisions.

  • Blinking of the Right Eye is an Omen: In Vedic astrology, the blinking of the right eye is often seen as an omen. It is thought to foretell the arrival of important news, changes in fortune, or the need for adaptation to new circumstances.

Interpretations of Right Eye Blinking in Vedic Astrology

The interpretation of right eye blinking in Vedic astrology can vary based on gender. Let's explore the different meanings associated with right eye blinking in men and women.

Right Eye Blinking in Men

  • Right Eye Twitching in Men: Good Fortune: For men, the twitching of the right eye is generally regarded as a positive indication. It suggests that good fortune, success, or achievements are coming their way.

  • Right Eye Twitching in Men: Financial Gain: In some instances, the blinking of the right eye in men is associated with financial gain. It is believed to signify an increase in wealth or unexpected monetary benefits.

Right Eye Blinking in Women

  • Right Eye Twitching in Women: Social Gatherings: For women, the twitching of the right eye is often linked to social gatherings and events. It indicates the likelihood of attending social occasions, meeting new people, or reconnecting with old friends.

  • Right Eye Twitching in Women: Romantic Relationships: In certain cases, the blinking of the right eye in women is associated with romantic relationships. It is believed to symbolize the possibility of new love interests or the strengthening of existing partnerships.

Timing of right eye blinking in Vedic Astrology

Timing of right eye blinking is associated with specific planetary hours known as "Hora." Each planet in Vedic astrology rules over a specific period of time during a day. The timing of right eye blinking can be predicted by considering the ruling planet of the Hora during which the blinking occurs.

General overview of the timing predictions for right eye blinking based on Vedic astrology:

  1. Sun Hora: The Sun Hora is associated with the first hour after sunrise. If your right eye blinks during this time, it is believed to be an auspicious sign indicating success, leadership qualities, and positive energy. It may suggest that favorable opportunities are on the horizon.

  2. Moon Hora: The Moon Hora occurs after the Sun Hora and is associated with the second hour after sunrise. If your right eye blinks during this time, it is believed to signify emotional sensitivity, intuitive insights, and connection with the subconscious mind. It may indicate the need for self-care and paying attention to your emotional well-being.

  3. Mars Hora: The Mars Hora follows the Moon Hora and is associated with the third hour after sunrise. If your right eye blinks during this time, it is believed to symbolize energy, courage, and assertiveness. It may suggest the need to take decisive action and assert your boundaries.

  4. Mercury Hora: The Mercury Hora follows the Mars Hora and is associated with the fourth hour after sunrise. If your right eye blinks during this time, it is believed to represent communication, intellect, and analytical thinking. It may suggest the need for clear and effective communication in your interactions.

  5. Jupiter Hora: The Jupiter Hora follows the Mercury Hora and is associated with the fifth hour after sunrise. If your right eye blinks during this time, it is believed to signify wisdom, knowledge, and expansion. It may indicate positive growth, learning opportunities, and spiritual insights.

  6. Venus Hora: The Venus Hora follows the Jupiter Hora and is associated with the sixth hour after sunrise. If your right eye blinks during this time, it is believed to represent love, beauty, and harmony. It may suggest the presence of positive relationships, creativity, and aesthetic experiences.

  7. Saturn Hora: The Saturn Hora follows the Venus Hora and is associated with the seventh hour after sunrise. If your right eye blinks during this time, it is believed to symbolize discipline, responsibility, and perseverance. It may indicate the need for structure and long-term planning.

  8. Mercury Hora (Again): The eighth hour after sunrise is also ruled by Mercury. If your right eye blinks during this second Mercury Hora, it may signify similar qualities as mentioned earlier, such as communication and intellectual pursuits.

Interpretations of Right Eye Blinking in Chinese Astrology

According to Chinese astrology, the blinking of the right eye can be associated with specific time predictions based on the Chinese zodiac signs and the traditional Chinese almanac. The Chinese zodiac follows a 12-year cycle, with each year represented by an animal sign. Additionally, the Chinese almanac, also known as the Tong Shu, provides guidance on auspicious and inauspicious activities for specific days.

To predict the timing of right eye blinking based on Chinese astrology, one can consider the animal sign of the year and cross-reference it with the corresponding day in the Chinese almanac.

General overview of the Chinese zodiac signs and their corresponding time predictions for right eye blinking:

  1. Rat: The Rat is associated with the hours of 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. If your right eye blinks during this time, it may be seen as an indication of upcoming opportunities or significant events related to career or finances.

  2. Ox: The Ox is linked to the hours of 1 a.m. to 3 a.m. If your right eye blinks during this time, it may symbolize the need for patience and determination in the face of challenges. It could indicate a period of hard work and perseverance.

  3. Tiger: The Tiger is associated with the hours of 3 a.m. to 5 a.m. If your right eye blinks during this time, it may suggest the need for courage and assertiveness. It could signify upcoming opportunities for personal growth and taking bold actions.

  4. Rabbit: The Rabbit is linked to the hours of 5 a.m. to 7 a.m. If your right eye blinks during this time, it may symbolize a period of harmony and good luck. It could indicate positive relationships and peaceful interactions.

  5. Dragon: The Dragon is associated with the hours of 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. If your right eye blinks during this time, it may signify a time of creativity and inspiration. It could suggest the manifestation of ideas and the potential for success in endeavors.

  6. Snake: The Snake is linked to the hours of 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. If your right eye blinks during this time, it may symbolize transformative experiences and the need for introspection. It could suggest inner growth and the shedding of old habits

Interpretations of Right Eye Blinking in other culture across the world

The interpretations of blinking of the right eye can vary across different cultures and countries around the world. Let's explore some interpretations of right eye blinking in various regions:

Africa: Different African cultures may have varying interpretations of right eye blinking. In some regions, it is believed that the right eye blinking is a message from ancestors or spirits, conveying guidance or warnings. It may also be seen as a sign of heightened spiritual awareness or the need to pay attention to one's surroundings.

Russia: In Russian folklore, the blinking of the right eye is associated with receiving news or messages. It is believed that the nature of the news depends on the time of day the blinking occurs. Morning blinking may indicate positive news, while evening blinking may suggest caution or the need to be prepared for challenges.

United States: Interpretations of right eye blinking in the United States may vary across different communities and belief systems. Some individuals may view it as a positive sign, symbolizing good luck or forthcoming opportunities. Others may see it as a simple physiological phenomenon with no particular significance.

India: In India, the birthplace of Vedic astrology, the blinking of the right eye holds great significance. It is believed to convey messages about one's destiny and future events. As mentioned earlier, right eye blinking is associated with different interpretations based on gender, astrology, and spiritual practices.

Remedies for Right Eye Blinking

If you experience persistent right eye blinking or wish to mitigate any negative effects, Vedic astrology offers various remedies. These remedies can be followed by both men and women to balance the energies and restore harmony.

General Remedies

  • Meditation and Yoga: Regular practice of meditation and yoga can help calm the mind, reduce stress, and restore overall well-being. This can have a positive impact on eye-related issues.

  • Balancing the Chakras: Focusing on balancing the solar plexus chakra, located near the navel, can help harmonize the energies associated with the right eye.

Remedies for Men

  • Wearing Gold: Wearing a gold ring or chain can help balance the solar energy associated with the right eye in men.

  • Reciting Mantras: Chanting the Gayatri Mantra or other mantras dedicated to the Sun can help alleviate any negative effects of right eye blinking.

Remedies for Women

  • Wearing Pearl Jewelry: Adorning oneself with pearl jewelry, such as earrings or necklaces, can help balance the lunar energy associated with the right eye in women.

  • Offering Water to the Sun: Offering water to the rising or setting sun while reciting prayers can help appease any disturbances caused by right eye blinking.


The blinking of the right eye in Vedic astrology holds symbolic meaning and can provide insights into various aspects of life. It is considered a form of communication from the universe, conveying messages about fortune, relationships, and events. Understanding the interpretations and remedies associated with right eye blinking can help individuals navigate their life's journey with awareness and preparedness.


Q1. Is right eye blinking always associated with positive events? Right eye blinking can be associated with both positive and negative events. It is important to consider the overall context, other astrological factors, and personal intuition when interpreting the meaning behind right eye blinking.

Q2. Can right eye blinking be a medical condition? While occasional eye twitching is usually harmless, persistent or chronic eye twitching should be evaluated by a medical professional. It is essential to rule out any underlying medical conditions or eye-related issues.

Q3. Are the interpretations of right eye blinking the same in all cultures? Interpretations of right eye blinking can vary across different cultures and belief systems. It is important to consider cultural contexts and individual beliefs when exploring the meaning behind right eye blinking.

Q4. Can remedies for right eye blinking be effective? Remedies suggested in Vedic astrology for right eye blinking are based on ancient practices and beliefs. While their effectiveness may vary from person to person, following these remedies can promote overall well-being and balance in life.

Q5. How often should I perform the suggested remedies? The frequency of performing the suggested remedies can vary. It is advisable to practice them consistently and with faith. However, consulting with an experienced Vedic astrologer or spiritual guide can provide personalized guidance based on your specific circumstances.



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